Henderson Hyundai

Television Advertising

Take A Hyundai To New Heights


Primarily, distinguish Henderson Hyundai Superstore from its three competitors as the market’s top selling and most technologically savvy Hyundai dealership. Secondarily, broaden demographic appeal to a younger customer.


We produced an animated commercial in a futuristic style that communicated the brand and location of the dealership while eschewing the typical payment/price aggression of our competitors.


Build a consistent, integrated campaign including broadcast, internet, social and digital media to reinforce our brand messages. Expand the target demographic to include millennials on the younger end.

Traditional media placement concentrated on live event media, primarily news and sports programming. Prime access was incorporated secondarily.


The commercial made its debut the very last week of July, 2016 and aired almost exclusively from that point through August of that year. Those two months combined to register the biggest back-to-back selling months in three years for Henderson Hyundai Superstore (453 new vehicles sold). The dealership finished 2016 as the #1 selling Hyundai Dealer in Nevada.