I’d like to consider myself a student of the world, constantly consuming books, podcasts, articles and TedTalks during every waking moment of the day. I listen to podcasts or books on tape while I’m getting ready in the morning, during my commute to work, during exercise and at various times throughout the day.

Whether it’s books that relate to your industry or something completely outside of it, I’m a firm believer that a book can bring about thoughts and perspectives that can make you better both in the workplace and in your personal life.

Thus far in 2017, I’ve read some perspective-changing books that have truly enhanced my life from both an inspirational standpoint and in the day-to-day way of living. Below is my list of top reads thus far for 2017.

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My Top Reading List of 2017:

The Universe Has Your Back – Gabrielle Bernstein

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up – Marie Kondo

The One Thing – Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

The Magnolia Story – Chip and Joanna Gaines

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Set for Life – Scott Trench